The Silliest Weight Loss Products

By Christopher Holliman

There are so many different weight loss items out there these days. Some of the time these products are honestly designed to help people lose weight. There are many other products, however, that appear to be thought up for no other purpose than making a bunch of money off of people who are feeling desperate. There are a number of products that happen to be so completely outrageous we decided to write about them here so that, hopefully, our readers won't fall for the false promises made by these products.

Have you seen the fat reduction ring yet? This is really a silver ring that coils all around your index finger several times. The band is built to put an excellent amount of pressure on the pressure points that people think are supposed to help you lose weight. Science has proven that there are many pressure points on your body that, when pressed honestly do help you to feel better. Seabands, for one instance, were designed to hold pressure on the points that control feelings of motion sickness. But the thought that a small ring will help uou lose weight (actively, as a reminder it probably works just fine) is just absurd.

Have you already seen the neck line slimmer? This is a solution that, apparently, designed to help firm the muscles in your neck to help counterbalance any loosely or hanging skin. It does this, evidently by means of vibration. Any health care provider worth his co-pay will tell you that if you have a bunch of extra skin hanging off of your face or your neck, the skin has already been stretched out and is unlikely, even if your neck muscles strengthen, to shrink back up into the firm skin of your youth. If you happen to be concerned about the skin on your neck, see a family doctor.

Do you know just what the Belly Burner Weight Loss Belt is? This is a belt that employs heat to help you, literally, melt off your weight--without having to do anything else. From what we can tell the belt is made to heat your core which is speculated to make the weight fall through... what? We cannot really figure that element out. Though we can explain that though sweating can certainly burn a few calories, there is no guarantee that they will only be burned from the area covered by the belt. A quick visit with your health care provider should help you realize that this product is designed to do one thing: get your money.

The sincere truth is that there are many people that only want to take your money from you. They are aware that you are hypersensitive with regards to your weight and that you are desperate to lose it so they play into that insecurity and desperation. A lot of people want nothing more than to shed weight but don't want to do the work that it takes to get them there. If the process were effortless, far more people would be able to do it. It is frequently very difficult to lose weight. There just isn't any miraculous pill, accessory or little bit of clothing that will do your work for you.

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