Benefits Of Using Shakes For Menopause Relief

By Sylvester Walker

Aging comes with many issues, some of which can make ordinary life very uncomfortable. For woman into their 40s, menopause is something is a period that comes with innumerable uncomfortable symptoms. These include conditions such as increased abdominal fat. Decreased libido, hot flashes, virginal dryness, and mood swings. While there are many remedies on the market, most of them are not effective. soy products for menopause relief, however, are showing positive outcomes in dealing with these symptoms.

Some treatment options such as hormone therapy are also effective, but they have been shown to have harmful side effects. This method is known to increase the risks breast cancer; hence, not recommended. Soy products, however, are not known to have side effects as they have been sued as food traditionally. Even though, users should know that the level of isoflavones in each food varies.

Menopausal symptoms can be stressful to women. Most known indicators include low libido, mood swings, increased abdominal fat, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes. Soy has a high phytoestrogens content, which is a plant-derived estrogen. This hormone could help alleviate these symptoms. Because it is only obtained through food, phytoestrogens, takes time to take effect. Effects can start being felt even after three months.

Isoflavones is one of the elements found in soy. These compounds contain phytoestrogens, properties that mimic the functions of natural estrogen. Hence, in practicality they use the same binding sites as estrogen, fooling the body into thinking that this hormone is present. Although it is weaker than the natural estrogen, it is believed to be effective in relieving hot flashes.

These hormones, however, do not have the supervision of the FDA. Hence, they are not medically approved and should not be consumed as medication. Soy products have been used in Asia as food and for medical purposes for centuries. This indicates that they are quite safe. However, because of the varying amounts of phytoestrogens in the different food types, they are not readily accepted in contemporary medicine.

Soy is also believed to be beneficial in promoting heart heath and bone density. After menopause, estrogen levels in the body start to wane, which affects the quality of bones and the heart. Soy-based products are believed to be able to contain compounds that function as this hormone and could improve its functions.

Many women suffer from osteoporosis as a postmenopausal condition due to reduced calcium levels in the body. By boosting the amount of calcium, isoflavones could be used to improve the density of bones during menopausal stages. Affected women could thus avoid using hormonal therapy.

Isoflavones also play a role in heart condition by controlling cholesterol levels. When the levels of LDL cholesterol increases, it can block the arterial walls and cause heart attacks. Isoflavones dilate coronary arteries, leading to better blood flow.

Any medical supplements should be taken with the approval of a doctor. Hence, before you purchase, shakes, discuss the issue with your doctor. He or she will help you decide on the right amount to take. Take in mind that studies are still ongoing on the effectiveness of soy products.

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