The Many Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise

By Andy G Smith

Cardiovascular Exercise - In this article I will be focusing on cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is necessary for a number of reasons: Firstly, it improves the efficiency of your heart and lungs and enables your body to take in and pump greater amounts of oxygen. If your body is able to take in and pump more oxygen then you are less likely to get out of breath so quickly. You will be able to sustain exercising for longer durations and your heart and lungs will generally be healthier. This is known as cardiovascular fitness.

If we overlook the obvious then there are other benefits to working at higher intensities. If we use a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is too easy and 10 is almost impossible then you should ideally exercise at a minimum of 7. At 7 it will be hard and you should sweat, but you should be able to maintain the intensity for at least 20 minutes. When you exercise at this intensity, changes begin to happen in your body.

I want you to visualise this is a ladder and your aim is to climb to the top. Each time you slip (perhaps you miss your training for 2 weeks), just get back on the ladder and keep climbing! Remember in my last article I told you that you should be in this for the long haul? Well, missing a few training session does not mean you failed, it just means you lost your footing! You know that you can achieve your goals if you commit to it!

Aim to complete 3 sessions of up to 30 minutes duration each and every week starting from now! Make a note at the end of each session describing how you felt once you completed the exercise.

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