Painful Bakersfield Tension Headaches Find Relief With Chiropractic

By John Davis

Stress is everywhere, and is not confined to modern urban life. From sheepherders to stockbrokers, threatening situations or constant pressure to produce better results trigger unhealthy reactions, and tension headaches have become commonplace. A Bakersfield CA chiropractor approaches relieving that discomfort from a alternative perspective.

People stoically endure the results of too much alcohol or tobacco, but do not expect to be sidelined by the daily commute, or the common tasks associated with running a household. An aching head might be considered normal, but the pain is unacceptable. For some people, the actual causes of tension-induced headaches are physical.

When people feel threatened, they become tense. The accompanying adrenaline rush can be a life-saver, but must be hidden or sublimated at work, where it is considered an indicator of weakness. Doing so requires a concerted effort, resulting in a tense or rigid neck posture and soreness, pulsating head pain, and even nausea.

Analgesics or NSAIDs relieve discomfort, but over-use reduces effectiveness. They mask symptoms but do not eliminate causes, and heavy use can contribute to liver and heart issues. Food reactions and environmental chemicals are known triggers, but the integrity of the skeletal structure itself may also be a significant factor.

One of the primary tenets of chiropractic is correcting misalignment of the spine, and the interior network of nerve connections. When older physical traumas or relentless daily pressures cause irregularities, those pathways function ineffectively. The network is compromised, and many believe that bottleneck to be a source of headache pain.

Spinal adjustments can be helpful when a healthy diet, aerobic exercise and a positive mental attitude are not enough to end pain permanently. The cost of reliance on over-the-counter medication is significant, and making an appointment with a chiropractor can become the key to living a life free from debilitating, daily tension headache pain.

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